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Bluetooth Manufacturers

Nordic Semiconductor - modules, sniffers
Estimote - beacons
Kontakt - beacons
INGICS - gateways, beacons
Systech - gateways
Rigado - gateways
Fanstel - gateways
Minew - gateways, beacons, modules
AnkhMaway, Jaalee - gateways, beacons
Iotton - beacons
Mokosmart - beacons
April Brother - gateways, beacons, sniffers
Ada Fruit - modules, sniffers
Ellisys - sniffers
Laird - modules
ublox - modules
Silicon Labs - modules
Sierra Wireless - modules

Also see distributors.

manufacturers.1549372280.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/05 13:11 by admin